To let people with MS lead a full life!
Hello, my name is Jana and I am living with multiple sclerosis since 2012...or actually 2009 latest, but who got their diagnosis right the first time...the bad news caught me when I was preparing myself to make world a better place as international lawyer - which I am not, but! Thanks to wonderful people around me and great care I was provided, I am the lucky one, pursuing my dreams fully (details to be provided in the updates ;-) ). There are many like me, who need the help I was provided - and again, I will tell you more in this is it. This is why I fundraise and ask you to join me and support the cause.My Updates
Movement, nature, sun...enjoying the training in Czech Paradise
Friday 1st NovNot giving up on dreams
Friday 1st NovTaking care of mental health
Friday 1st NovTo help your body keep moving...sports and physiotherapy is needed
Friday 1st NovComprehensive care and loving felt like being saved
Tuesday 15th OctWaiting for diagnoses was the hardest time of my life
Sunday 13th OctWhen your first symptoms go unnoticed...
Tuesday 8th OctThank you to my Sponsors
Peer Baneke
Be good
Claudiu Berbece
Great you’re doing this, best of luck!
Lubo Majercik
Super iniciativa!
Lenka P.
Ty jsi nezmar :-)
so powerful - keep glowing!
Izabela Grundova
Daniel Krýcha
Katerina Duchac
You go girl 🤍
Petra K
Pavel Hron
Petra Hodysova
At je to komplet 💪🏻
Radka Willoughby
Keep up the good work and take care, dear Jana
Maya Hs
you are an inspiration - keep on running!