Mate Tagaj

MS Awareness Run 2024

I'm fundraising for all my friends with MS


Between 2018-2023 I was working at EMSP. During this period I made plenty of friends, many of them living with Multiple Sclerosis.

I decided to join the MS Awareness Run to help my friends at EMSP raise awareness of MS and to give something back to the MS community.


At the same time, I'm also the Director of Boostern, a Brussels-based digital agency working with nonprofits. Working with NGOs and charities is a super rewarding experience, but I also want to make sure that I give back to the nonprofit community every year.


Running is actually not really my thing. I prefer spending time in a gym lifting weights. I only participated in a relay half-marathon once without any preparation and it almost cost me an injury.

This time I decided to do it right. I hit pause on the gym and have running sessions early in the mornings (usually I wake up at 4AM) to train for the Brussels Airport 7K.

My physical resistance is basically non-existent because I have been skipping steady state and HIIT cardio for years now. 

However, by consistently training and improving my endurance, I want to make sure that I'm not only running 7km with ease, but that I also arrive to the Brussels Airport 7K with a competitive time.

My Updates


Monday 16th Sep

Goal Surpassed

Friday 23rd Aug
I was aiming to hit 7km this week with my training and ideally doing that a bit under 6min/km. I managed to run 8km in 47:10 (5:54m/km) and overcome my goal. I was extremely hyped and can't wait to go beyond 50min during my upcoming session next week. Naturally, I didn't skip my street workout session either. Lessons learned again. It's all about mindset and overcoming challenges. Let's do this!

Third training session

Thursday 15th Aug
My third training was on Wednesday, 14 August. This time I've already reached 6km in 35:56, covering each km under 6 minutes.

These might seem like baby steps, but I was really pushing my limits here in order not only to reach a longer distance, but also to achieve a better min/km average. In terms of mindset, I try to focus on 5 minute intervals and once finished, I try to convince my mind to keep pushing for another one.

Naturally, I didn't skip a bodyweight workout in a different street workout park this time either. I think this place is going to be my preferred one. It's not only covered, but it also has more exercise options available with extra pushups, pullups and hanging leg raise options.

I'm trying to take it slow so for this week I will focus on resting and recovering, but next week I'm planning to run already for 7km during my next 2 sessions. This will be followed by 3-session, 4-session and 5-session weeks where I'll try to push myself to finish 7km quicker.

Let's see how it goes. 

First two training sessions

Thursday 15th Aug
My first training attempt was on Friday, 9 August and I barely managed to finish 22 minutes of running covering a distance of 3.6km, which is only half the distance I'm going to run on 3 November.

During my second training, I've already improved significantly by covering 5.19km in 32 minutes with an average of 6m13s per km.

I also decided to combine my running sessions with additional workouts in street workout parks doing pushups, pullups, dips and hanging leg raises in order to keep myself in shape, so I can also return to lifting weights after the marathon.

Thank you to my Sponsors




Andreas Memmos

Go Mate Go!!